Thursday, March 10, 2005

i think i have to tread very carefully for the next while. a whole bunch of nice things have happened to me these past few days.

  • my boo is back and along with him came my guitar (which i've permanently borrowed from my high school. i'm playing the songs from the alicia key's songbook b!!)
  • i can reach the Bm7 chord
  • i won a prize pack from makingroom
  • i won a coffee from the 'rrrrroll up to win' contest - i don't drink coffee so i gave this prize to my co-worker
  • my fed 5b, purchased with lomo-coupons, arrived! (i had to pay $38 in brokerage fees - i miss point roberts!)

i need to purchase a light meter though, there isn't one built-in in the fed 5b. unless anyone has some tips about shooting w/o one? follow the sunny f16 rule? psycho, does your D70 come w/ a built-in light meter?


happyd said...

phewf, looks like the comments are working again!

thanks again for the info psycho!

Anonymous said...

No, it isn't quite fixed yet...

BTW, could you please buy me a lottery ticket?

happyd said...

why? what's wrong with it?

Anonymous said...

Oh, it's working now... How tempermental!

Have you got my ticket yet?