Friday, May 6, 2005

i-fri topic: ambition

i-fri topic: ambition
Originally uploaded by happy d.

o.m.g. it's 3am and i gotta go to work tomorrow. i really need to purchase some heavy duty eye cream; the bags under my eyes need a magic cure.


Anonymous said...

If you find that cream, send some over to me.

I was wondering whether we'd get a Hyedie Friday pic of the week :)

Anonymous said...

I like the bites out of the Apple...


kir said...

oooh I think I would need it too O.O aaaaaah work work work....
Love the illu btw ^^

Anonymous said...

Time for an update, me thinks ;-)

Anonymous said...

hey hyedie, do you or A need hair products? one of the hair salons in yaletown is going out of business and their stuff is 50% off. they're closing their doors this friday. call me. -psycho

happyd said...

thanks for the kind words :)