despite the fantastical feat of time travel the amount of everyday detail that niffenegger put into the lives of clare and henry really grounded this book. reading the book you can tell that niffenegger knows about paper making, she loves music and she's lived in chicago. i also like the fact that clare is an artist, although, i would have liked a bit more insight into her art and her reasons for creating.
hmmm, maybe i'll read the book again, but this time around i'll skip out on the truly sad parts. even though 'a' has said that he will read this book, i want him to start now! (mr. wong when are you coming to TO? heh heh heh)
1 comment:
i have to say, i initially found the time-travel-thing a bit gimmicky -- but by the end i was crying on the bus like a fool. thanks for returning it to mr. wong for me. it has now circled the globe, how cool.
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