Thursday, February 17, 2005

critiques please.

this week's topic is flight.


Ellie said...

Beautiful concept, wonderfully executed. I can "feel" the coolness of that snowflake.


Anonymous said...

Well, m'dear, I'm glad you didn't take the Celion Dion Air Canada "You and I were meant to fly" angle :)

Seriously, I love the originality.

Not so much a criticism but an observation... Your friday pics all have the same sort of "look".

Anonymous said...

really sweet, soft, and delicate...really suits the concept - the compatibility with the fragility of a snowflake.

Giao said...

Sweet illustration! I love your gal and her outfit.

Gnome G

Rebeccashane said...

how sweet!

Anonymous said...

are you doing your illustrations on a computer? or are you doing it by hand, scanning it in, and then finishing it up on the computer? -psycho

bianca said...

i think it is a great compliment that your illo's have a consistent "look" -- afterall each illustrator has to have his/her own recognizable and distinctive style. this is sooo hyedie :) :)

not entirely sold on the snowflake tho, to me the pointy corners and lines make it look pretty deadly! or maybe i'm just afraid of the cold...

happyd said...

wow. thank you all for the nice comments! everybody that participates in illustration friday is SO nice!

i'm also glad to have a 'look' ... although i should use these illo friday exercises to try to experiment more.

psycho: i do a quick sketch, scan it in then redraw in photoshop.

bianca: thanks for the feedback ... this is the kind of stuff i'd like to hear - what other people think of my stuff, especially when i'm not 100% with the outcome of my stuff. i personally don't like the colour choice of the snowflake and the background.

i also think the snowflake isn't very welcoming to sit on either. maybe i should have handdrawn the snowflake instead of bringing in a vector drawning into PS. the beauty of drawing in PS is, though, that i can go back and recolour, restylize elements b/c they are all on different layers! :)

Myae said...

I like the colour scheme of your picture... it's just that, the legs look a bit unproportioned.

happyd said...

thanks myae! they are too skinny? too short? i know the left foot is at a weird angle...

happyd said...

thanks myae! they are too skinny? too short? i know the left foot is at a weird angle...

flower87 said...

I think its fine that its not "welcoming" to sit on. It shows how cold snow is. But, the center of the snowflake seems a bit lonely.
Hrm.. the legs? Maybe the calfs are a big too long...but its a drawing. I think its much more proportional then the legs that yazawa ai draws. But i really like the girl. Fuku ga sugoku kawaii yo!