Saturday, February 12, 2011

doggie treats


doggie cookies

over the holidays, shana baked some yummy doggie treats for duke and petey. with the treats she also gave us the recipe for the cookies and also a really cute bone shaped cookie cutter.

as a thank you for the support that we received from marna and erica from big on beagles, during petey's ordeal (that's a whole other blog post in itself), i decided i'd try shana's recipe to give as presents.

it was super easy to make and i also copied the way shana packaged the cookies because i was so impressed with the presentation of them. after packing up the present cookies, there were still enough for duke and petey!


shana said...

Yeah! I'm so glad Sir Petey is feeling better and that the dog cookies were a hit. I've been playing with the recipe so far a peanut butter/bacon fat combo has tested the highest with Cooper and Penny. This also means I need to make and eat bacon in order to get access to the fat so it's a win win!

happyd said...

wow peanut butter bacon sounds heavenly!!!

yes the cookies are a major hit! thank you again :)