Wednesday, April 2, 2008

9 more sleeps

button store
... and i'll be joining ms. b into our 30s!

there is one thing that i promised myself i would do once i turned 30 and that is to get 8 hours of sleep a night. seeing that it's 3:36am right now, i'm really worried that i'm going to break my resolution!

why am i imposing this 8 hour rule? mostly for vanity - i already see more and more white hair growing and i don't want to accelerate the aging process. the other reason is for my brain. i'm finding that consecutive late nights are making my brain mushy.

as a lead up to earth day i'll try to share cool enviro links that i've collected recently. first up, earth hour. did you participate? we did and we took a walk w/ duke around the 'hood during the hour, only to be disappointed by all the business and office towers that insisted on keeping their lights on. i know that one hour doesn't really make a difference in our energy consumption, but i really liked the symbolism behind it. thankfully, these photos from WWF show that there was a difference in light usage, despite our grumblings. hurrah!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My lights were on... Hockey game was on!!!

Happy Birthday!!!