tonight i cried at the lisa loeb concert. the acoustics were great, the rowdy drunk people left my hearing vicinity and because i stood right behind the last row of seats i had the perfect view of the stage. it was just lisa, her guitar and 1 backup singer and his guitar. together they were able to create really full, rich instrumentals with only 2 instruments.
during the middle of her set, lisa started to talk about how she couldn't believe 10 years had past since her song debuted on the reality bites sound track. then she played the first 2 notes of 'stay' and my eyes started to well up with tears. i couldn't believe lisa loeb was playing 'stay' in front of me, in real life! it was just too much and i couldn't stop crying. i won't get into the details of the things that were going through my mind - it was just a very bizarre experience.